If you havent noticed, it is still really cold outside. Just look outside. It is so cold. You would think that dumbocrats and Barrack HUSSEIN Obama would stop talking about "global warming," but they are still talking about "global warming." What "global warming" says is that it will not be cold, but it is cold outside. I had to shovel a lot of snow the other day. The snow might be an even bigger deal then BENGHAZI.
This one by Rick McKee shows how "global warming scientists" say that "snow is a thing of the past." He is wearing a hawain shirt because "Obama" said he was born in Hawai even though thiers no proof.
This is Henry Payne's cartoon about how OBUMMER says that "global warming" is a fact, but it is cold. i think it does a good job of showing how global warming is not real, because its so cold. I also like that their in a car, so the libtards would say that they are cuasing "GLOBAL WARMING." ha!
This one is by Glenn McCoy it is so funny. It talks about the 17 year cooling trend that shows Global Warming is not happening. Its some what confusing because there not talking about the snow and how cold it is but i think it still gets the truth across. Glen is so smart and brave too talk about the 17 year cooling trend that is happening.
i saved the best for last. This one is by A.F. Branco. It shows "Mother Nature" holding a sign that says "If you like your global warming theory, you can keep your global warming theory, period" it is so clever because that is like what SNOWBAMA (i just made that up, you should use it A.F Branco. it is almost as clever as your ideas) said about snowbama-care.
The caption says "News Reports." That is to show you that it is about news reports. Then the next sentence says "January coldest in decades." That is to explain that January was coldest in decades. The caption subtext says: "Obama says “Climate Change (The new liberal name for Global Warming) is a fact”. Well, It seems Mother Nature is disagreeing with their science models and theories". I like how brave he is too point out that liberals have started calling "Global Warming" "Climate Change" to distract us from the IRS SCANDAL. January in USA was so cold that there science models are so wrong!
And Mother Nature is white. She just is.