Thursday, December 26, 2013

A.F.Branco's Phil Robertson cartons

War on Christmas and Duck Dynasty
"It’s Open Season on Duck Dynasty and Christmas. Political correctness has gone to far with its war on Christmas and  Duck Dynasty."

This cartoon is about how It's been Open (Duck Dynasty) Sason's Greetings on Free Speech and the War on Christmas. It's not just that the Duck Dynasty thing hapened kind of close to Chrismas, so its a convenent talking point, It's also related that the Liberal PC doesn't like both of tthem. The caption subtext says "It's Open Season on Fuck Dynasty and Christmas" to me this implies that it's like hunting, because Open Season is about hunting. So really its the same as them killing Phil Robertson, which is the same as them killing Christmas, which is the same as them killing God (more on this later). Then it says "Political correctness has gone to far with its war on Christmas and Duck Dynasty." I agree that Liberal PC has gone to far with its war on Christmas and Duck Dynasty. You may say, they haven't gone to far, but I think they have gone to, to far. 

In the cartoon, it has Phil Robertson holding a sign that says Happy Holidays from A&E (Abercrombie and Fitch( but over that someone wrote Merry Christmas from the Robersons. This implies that A&E would say Happy Holidays because they hate Christians, but the Robertsons would say Merry Christmas because their good Christians, like Jesus.  Interstingly, Bronco made another cartoon implying this very same subtext:

The subtext of this cartoon is that this is a picture of Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty, and that he is wearing a crown of thorns that is like political correctness AE. It's called "Phil Robertson P.C. Crucified." It is about how Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty has been P.C. Crucified, like jesus, how he got P.C. Cruicified by the Liberal P.C> Bronco implies that Phil Robertson is being P.C. Crucifed. The caption subtext says "Religion and free speech is once again being crucified by the politically correct leftist media as represented by A & E’s treatment of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty." It is about how religion is being crucified, like how Jesus was crucified for his religion and free speech by the leftist Romans. 

This is my first review of conservative political cartoons i hope you liked it. 


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