Governor Cuomo of New York has a message for conservatives, GET OUT! Conservatives not welcomeIt shows Governer Cuomo (the one labeled Cuomo) saying to Jesus "GET OUT!" Branco added the caption to explain that its about Governor Cuomo and that he's saying "GET OUT!" You can see that Branco symbolizes conservatives by drawing a picture of Phil Robertson. You can tell its Phil Robertson because it looks like Jesus. Dumbocrats like Cuomo hate "pro assault weapon" conservatives like Jesus/Phil Robertson
This week also had Obama saying something to "the New Yorker," a PC liberal magazine, about race. I didn't read what he said, but I think he basically said that all white people in America are racist, because thats what most black people say
This is by Glen McCoy is about how Oboma is always saying that we're living in a post-racial society, and that the people who didn't vote for him are racists. In fact, he is the real racist! Because he always makes assumptions about Conservatives and judging them by the color of there skin.
This one by Steve Kelly talks about the same thing. Obama said that people don't like him because he's black, but all of teh criticism I have seen of obama is not because he's black, its because he wasnt born in AMERICA, which is what people have criticized all white presidents for to. In fact, white presidents probably have it harder than Obama, because all of the black people are so racist against them, which is why they all voted for Obama. Of corse, Obama is always talking about "post-racial" so he would never talk about how black people give him the benefit of the doubt because he's a black president.
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