Friday, February 7, 2014

It is still cold, more like global cooling!

If you havent noticed, it is still really cold outside. Just look outside. It is so cold. You would think that dumbocrats and Barrack HUSSEIN Obama would stop talking about "global warming," but they are still talking about "global warming." What "global warming" says is that it will not be cold, but it is cold outside. I had to shovel a lot of snow the other day. The snow might be an even bigger deal then BENGHAZI.

This one by Rick McKee shows how "global warming scientists" say that "snow is a thing of the past." He is wearing a hawain shirt because "Obama" said he was born in Hawai even though thiers no proof.

This is Henry Payne's cartoon about how OBUMMER says that "global warming" is a fact, but it is cold. i think it does a good job of showing how global warming is not real, because its so cold. I also like that their in a car, so the libtards would say that they are cuasing "GLOBAL WARMING." ha!

This one is by Glenn McCoy it is so funny. It talks about the 17 year cooling trend that shows Global Warming is not happening. Its some what confusing because there not talking about the snow and how cold it is but i think it still gets the truth across. Glen is so smart and brave too talk about the 17 year cooling trend that is happening.

i saved the best for last. This one is by A.F. Branco. It shows "Mother Nature" holding a sign that says "If you like your global warming theory, you can keep your global warming theory, period" it is so clever because that is like what SNOWBAMA (i just made that up, you should use it A.F Branco. it is almost as clever as your ideas) said about snowbama-care.

The caption says "News Reports." That is to show you that it is about news reports. Then the next sentence says "January coldest in decades." That is to explain that January was coldest in decades. The caption subtext says: "Obama says “Climate Change (The new liberal name for Global Warming) is a fact”. Well, It seems Mother Nature is disagreeing with their science models and theories". I like how brave he is too point out that liberals have started calling "Global Warming" "Climate Change" to distract us from the IRS SCANDAL. January in USA was so cold that there science models are so wrong!

And Mother Nature is white. She just is.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Obama and Cuomo Dont Like Conservatives

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! This was a crazy week that showed how hypocrittical dumbocrats are. First, there was New York governor Andrew Cuomo saying that he hates conservative people. This is a cartoon about that by Af Branco

Governor Cuomo of New York has a message for conservatives, GET OUT! Conservatives not welcome
It shows Governer Cuomo (the one labeled Cuomo) saying to Jesus "GET OUT!" Branco added the caption to explain that its about Governor Cuomo and that he's saying "GET OUT!" You can see that Branco symbolizes conservatives by drawing a picture of Phil Robertson. You can tell its Phil Robertson because it looks like Jesus. Dumbocrats like Cuomo hate "pro assault weapon" conservatives like Jesus/Phil Robertson

This week also had Obama saying something to "the New Yorker," a PC liberal magazine, about race. I didn't read what he said, but I think he basically said that all white people in America are racist, because thats what most black people say

This is by Glen McCoy is about how Oboma is always saying that we're living in a post-racial society, and that the people who didn't vote for him are racists. In fact, he is the real racist! Because he always makes assumptions about Conservatives and judging them by the color of there skin.

This one by Steve Kelly talks about the same thing. Obama said that people don't like him because he's black, but all of teh criticism I have seen of obama is not because he's black, its because he wasnt born in AMERICA, which is what people have criticized all white presidents for to. In fact, white presidents probably have it harder than Obama, because all of the black people are so racist against them, which is why they all voted for Obama. Of corse, Obama is always talking about "post-racial" so he would never talk about how black people give him the benefit of the doubt because he's a black president.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Global warming. More like Global cooling. Al Gore.

Every year, it snows. If its cold anywhere on earth, that means that global warming can't be happening. But the PC correct libtards at the MSM want you to think that global warming, because of the billions of dollars that corprations can make from "global warming." But it snows so every year, my favorite conservative political cartoonists are brave enough to stand up for waht the vast majority of scientists think but are afraid to say in "journals" and "books" because it's not "PC." What scientists actually know is that the earth is cooling not warming. I like cartoons that tell me global warming is not real. So these are comics about "Global warming. More like Global cooling. Al Gore."

This is from my conservative political cartoonist, AFBranco. The backstory is that there's a ship stuck in Anartica because despite of "global warming," there is ice in Antartic. The PC Libtards don't want you to know that! But A.F branco is brave enough to tell you that. So this picture features a ship, and someone on the ship says "Have you seen my Al Gore book, An Inconvenient Truth?" This is to let you know that there's a book called "An Inconvenient Truth," and Al Gore wrote it. Branco gives you that information because he does'nt want you too be confused about what an Inconvent Truth is, this was a book that came out 8 years ago and written by a politician who hasn't run for office for 13 years, but it's still important because there hasn't been anything written about "global warming" since then, so Al Gore. The penguin asks "Where's the media?" because the PC MSM hasnt made any news stories about the ship, so there'd be no way to know about it if it if wasn't for AF Branco's brave reporting. Al Gore.

A.F. Branco writes in the caption for the comic: "Team stuck in the Ice at the antarctic, but will this convince the enviro wackos that their flawed science consensus models are wrong? Very doubtful." This shows that the science consensus models is wrong, because if there's ice somewhere, a REAL scientist would no that theres no global wraming.

This is from Chip Book. It might look the same as A.F. Branco's comic, but its different in some suttle ways. First, there's less text, so it's a little confusing what's happening. It's not quite as good, because Bok doesn't explain what's happening as much, and he doesn't say Al gore. So without saying Al Gore, I'm not sure what to feel about this issue. I like Brancos comics much better in general, and this is no exeption. 

This one by Rick Mckee is called "Global Warming Irony." Again, this one is not quite as good as A.F. Brancos because it doesn't explain as well what is happening. The ship is labelled "global warming research" because its important what the ship was doing. 

This one is by Lisa Benson. This one is clever because instead of running into "irony" their running into "reality." Instead of "global warming research" this ship is called "global warming theory" so its very original in that way. Pretty good for a lady cartoonist.
This one is by H. Payne, which is a pretty "cool" name. Get it? I think this one might be about this ship stuck in the anartic, but its hard to tell because the ship isn't labeled. So I'm not sure what the ship is supposably representing symbolically. 

This comic is very good because it shows how the PC MSM didn't ever mention that the ship was studing "global warning." It shows a person in a t-shirt that says "death to infidels," because "global warming" and islamofascism are both not based on science, but rather "absolute truth" which is what Moslems believe. "Climate scienctists" like Obama kill people who disagree with them, so this is a funny cartoon. 

There are also plenty of "global warming" cartoons that aren't about the ship in the antartica. Here are all of those cartoons:

This one by Glenn McCoy is really clever, but it doesn't have Al Gore in it, so I'm a little confused to. For any children out there, Mother Nature is white. She just is. I like that Genn Mccoy is brave enough to say that. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Year in Review: Best Conservative Politcal Cartoon Reviews of 2013

Alot has changed in 2013, like Obama's second illigitimate inaugaration. So it wasn't a great year in that aspect. But it was one of the best years ever for Conservative Political Cartoon Reviews, because so much has changed for us. We literally went from having nothing to one of the most popular conservative political cartoon review sites on the "web." I want to think our faithful readers for "following" my "blog." And I want to thank all of the conservative political cartoonists for saying what no one else is brave enough to say in the "lamestream media." The MSM doesn't want you to see these cartoons which is why they supress them, but these cartoonists somehow find a way to get there message out there, like the resistance to the Nazis in Germany. I couldn't have made this blog without all the people who are out there fighting for the truth. 

Its January 1 (first) 2014, because I forgot to do a review of my political cartoon reviews from 2013. But I think it's not too late, because those who forget the past are doomed too repeat it, like Hitler. So here's a recap of some of our most popular conservative political cartoon reviews of last 2013:

A.F. Branco's Phil Robertson Cartoons

This might be out most popular review, but its certainly our first. I talked about how A.F. Branco likes Phil Robertson and nuancedly compared him to Jesus. I thought I did a good job of talking about all the subtexts and nuances of the cartoons. I didn't mention that Phil Robertson looks like Momar Qadaffi, because that's not what the cartoon is supposably saying, so I did a good job there not saying that. But it is interesting. If someone can explain the symbolism of that. 

Lamestream jews medi-duh strikes again!

This was a guest post by a fan and fellow conservative, commiekiller4christ. I thought ck4c did a great job covering all the major aspects of the "under God" debate in the national anthem, and then he explained the nuances of the cartoon. In it you can see that GOD ALMIGHTY watches Fox News because he also hates the lamestream media. 

Pajama Boy Cartoons

This was the last review of 2013, and one of my favorites, because it's talking about several of the failures of the Obama administration: college-age children living with their parents, onesie pyjamas, Selfiegate, and Rachel Maddow. It's really hard to explain all the really nuanced and complex ways that these cartoonists compare these issues, so I'll just let you scroll down a few lines and read it your self. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pajama Boy Cartoons

This is a review of cartoons about Pajama Boy, which is probably the biggest failure of the Obama administration too date. If you haven't heard about it, I suggest looking it up. I looked it up,and this is the closest thing I could fin about it That ones about the Holocaust, but Pajama Boy is about Obamacare, which is similar. There are a lot of "MEMES" about Pajama Boy, but I'll just stick to the cartoons, because that's what this "BLOG" is about. 

This one is by Michael Ramirez. It shows a man writing more things under the writing that was in the original Pajama Boy ad. It says things like "GET A JOB!!!" and "MOVE OUT YOUR PARENTS' House!!!" and "STOP SPONGING OFF OTHER PEOPLE!" The subtext implication is that Pajama Boy doesn't have a job because he wears pajamas, and he lives at his parents' house because he's there on Christmas. Why else would someone be at there parents house on Christmas unless they live there? The man is very brave for saying these things to Pajama Boy, and Ramirez is very brave for drawing the man saying them.

This one is also by Michael Ramirez, because it's such an important issue that he had to make more than one cartoon about it. the subtext is that Obama is just talking about fixing health insurance, but just talking about it. Not fixing it, but just talking about it. If you didn't notice, it's Obama in the pajamas instead of Pajama Boy: you can tell because of Ramirez's artistic drawing talent. Unlike some cartoonists, he doesn't have to label Obama "Obama," but that would have been kinda helpful I guess. Anyway, I think it's really clever, because Obama has done nothing about health care except talking. No websites or laws or anything. Ramirez really picked up on a clever subtext of the original picture, which said something about talking about healthcare. 

This one, you may notice, is similar to the last one. Note the similarity of the mugs in the two cartoons, its a very subtle way of saying that Obama loves himself. This one also brings up one of the other major disasters of the Obama administration: the selfie that he was near at the funeral of that other black guy. This cartoon goes one step further and implies that Obama isn't just talking, he's also lying. AF Branco has a hashtag that says GETLYING, which is in capslock to show how important it is, and the hashtag is diagonal, because he is being very clever, and it shows how Obama "slants" the truth. 

This one is by Chip Bok. It's about Pajama Boy and how there's a lot of debt in this country. It's really clever, because debt is bad, and Pajama Boy is girly, and Obamacare. Obamacare made the debt, and that's a bad thing, and he made Pajama Boy with Rachel Maddow, and that was bad. I don't like Rachel Maddow either. So it's a really clever cartoon because the subtext combines these two very important problems facing America today: the national debt and Pajama Boy. 

This one isn't about Pajama Boy. It's about a man whose dressed like Pajama Boy, but the caption subtext says "An Obamacare Christmas means disaster for a lot of folks losing their healthcare this year." That implies that he had healthcare, which means he's not Pajama Boy, because Pajama boy is affeminite and has pajamas, which means he lives at his parents house and doesn't have a job, but this man has insurance, so he is losing it, and I guess Obama is Pajama Boy for taking away his health insurance, so I think the pajamas on the man are a metaphoric symbol for how Obama is taking away health insurance and so we're all becoming Pajama Boy. That is how clever A.f. Branco is he has so many layers of meaning. It also has the lyrics "DECK the HALLS with OBAMA'S FOLLY," which almost has the same number of syllables as the original song, so it's really clever. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lamestream jews medi-duh strikes again!

I'm going to give you a little bit of history behind this cartoon before i review it, because if you don't know the whole story, you'll miss a lot of the nuances in this comic.

Anyway, so it looks like the lamestream librals over at N(ation of) B(rainwashed) C(ommunists) decided that the would "showcase American patriotism" by playing a video of soldiers with kids saying the pledge of allegiance.

To bad they decided GOD wasn't important enough to be included in there "patriotic" "display". nbc took out the "under GOD" part of the pledge. What were they thinking? this country was founded on one thing. The Christian GOD. Without out GOD given rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we wouldn't even have the Constitution. This makes me so sick.

Even librals are outraged at this. As, Phil Plait an astrologist and "skeptic" wrote in an article at Discover magazine this is just part of nbcs "anti-American God-hating plot to secularize the country and turn us into slavish devil-worshippers."

If phil plait believes this, it must be bad. He's a "global warming" nut and even he thinks nbc has gone too far.

Wake up, America.

It just makes me sick when librals try to cram this PC garbage down out throats. This is not how the pledge was meant to be heard. Theres a reason that Francis Bellamy wrote the words "Under GOD" into the pledge. He was a conservative baptist preacher who knew that without GOD being front and center America would be worthless!

Ok, now that you know this backstory, I think this comic is great because it shows GOD watching FOX news while two Angels talk about nbc. The Angels are worried that GOD will be mad at nbc, but it turns out that nbc is such a crappy network that GOD doesn't even watch it.

Let that sink in. GOD is an omnipotent being who is not constrained by time or space. He could literally watch all television that has been or ever will be produced and it would not take any time because GOD is eternal. But he chooses not to watch NBC because they are such a lame libral "media" "news" station that it is not even worth GODS "time" to watch it.

When GOD kicks back at the end of the day he wants to watch news that glorifies HIM. FOX news. nbc doesn't even matter.

Suck it nbc. Youv'e lost the most important demographic of all. GOD.

A.F.Branco's Phil Robertson cartons

War on Christmas and Duck Dynasty
"It’s Open Season on Duck Dynasty and Christmas. Political correctness has gone to far with its war on Christmas and  Duck Dynasty."

This cartoon is about how It's been Open (Duck Dynasty) Sason's Greetings on Free Speech and the War on Christmas. It's not just that the Duck Dynasty thing hapened kind of close to Chrismas, so its a convenent talking point, It's also related that the Liberal PC doesn't like both of tthem. The caption subtext says "It's Open Season on Fuck Dynasty and Christmas" to me this implies that it's like hunting, because Open Season is about hunting. So really its the same as them killing Phil Robertson, which is the same as them killing Christmas, which is the same as them killing God (more on this later). Then it says "Political correctness has gone to far with its war on Christmas and Duck Dynasty." I agree that Liberal PC has gone to far with its war on Christmas and Duck Dynasty. You may say, they haven't gone to far, but I think they have gone to, to far. 

In the cartoon, it has Phil Robertson holding a sign that says Happy Holidays from A&E (Abercrombie and Fitch( but over that someone wrote Merry Christmas from the Robersons. This implies that A&E would say Happy Holidays because they hate Christians, but the Robertsons would say Merry Christmas because their good Christians, like Jesus.  Interstingly, Bronco made another cartoon implying this very same subtext:

The subtext of this cartoon is that this is a picture of Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty, and that he is wearing a crown of thorns that is like political correctness AE. It's called "Phil Robertson P.C. Crucified." It is about how Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty has been P.C. Crucified, like jesus, how he got P.C. Cruicified by the Liberal P.C> Bronco implies that Phil Robertson is being P.C. Crucifed. The caption subtext says "Religion and free speech is once again being crucified by the politically correct leftist media as represented by A & E’s treatment of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty." It is about how religion is being crucified, like how Jesus was crucified for his religion and free speech by the leftist Romans. 

This is my first review of conservative political cartoons i hope you liked it. 
